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just clarifying for some ppl(1/2 to be precise) who think a mod is equivalent to complete control on the space

a mod is someone who as the word suggests is required to moderate discussions and debates and avoid hate speech(and tbf guys like shooter and andrew seem to be doing a GREAT job at it) and not someone who goes out to be a kindergarten teacher asking everyone not to use certain words even if they arent particularly used in a negative way(for example "thats a damn good trade "is not something negative neither is the phrase "lets fuck go" or simply "damn!!" as a response).

And even if it is used in a bad way(for criticising) one should learn to differentiate between an insult and smth used for exaggerating a criticism on a trade(basically to differentiate between when a slur is aimed at you and when it is used for exaggeration)

I'd like to keep it short so i'll just end it here

Edit: a little side note for guys who believe that their religion/belief is better than others and that it's your duty to spread it sorry to spoil it but that's something which is not only against the usa's secular laws but also goes against tons of other countries' laws.

Ohh and there's a reason it's called belief- it's because it's not something proven to be better or correct but just something you belie
