First thing, VJ Edgecombe report tonight, should be out within 3 hours from now, I have some work to do.
I am going to run a debate series, you guys seemed to like the idea, I'd enjoy to run it.
I do need your help, I need people to volunteer to debate for each side, so I will run poll on some decisive topics, if you have suggestions please comment them some time soon before 7PM EST when I put the poll up. IF YOU VOTE ON THE POLL, COMMENT WHO YOU VOTED FOR, along with if you would be open to debating for your side. I then will pick two of you guys, based off how many volunteers we get, this could expand.
Since we all live in different time zones, very little of us will be able to do it at the same time so I will have to try work around this.
Effectively, I will try open a group chat where the debaters will be asked to give their opening argument, then I give the other team time to ask questions of which the other team has to answer. Then the other team does their opening argument and the same goes for them
After that, I will post the first arguments on the website, then other users ask questions which I will ask them for the second section. The answers will then have their own post.
We may add another argument but because of timing right now this seems unlikely.
Finally ,each team get a closing statement, where I ask them to conclude/summarise their argument. rounding up their initial argument and responses and adding some anything extra. This again receives its own post.
Each section will have a word limit, right now I am going for:
300-400 word cap for argument 1
100-150 word cap for each question response
200 word cap for summary.
At the end of all this we get a Poll where the users can vote on who performed the best. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT, YOU DON'T VOTE FOR YOUR ANSWER TO THE ORIGINAL POLL, YOU VOTE FOR WHO WON, obviously this can be the same but we want to base this off purely quality of argument. The we can crown the winner of the debate.
There will be a counter for which people have won the most debates individually.
Obviously this takes time, I do not expect everyone to want to do this its entirely up to you and if this is popular, it will keep running. Its up to you guys though, I wanted to do something more with the community on here, so it will be very interesting to see if this is popular.
REMINDER FIRST POLL COMES OUT 7PM EST, if you would be open to voting but can't vote then, its fine I'll leave it open for a couple of days, but I hope to have this first debate fully out by this time next week. COMMENT YOUR SUGGESTIONS ON THIS POST FOR TOPICS FOR THE DEBATE
Hope you guys like this.