I am running out of stuff to do on this website besides my greatest trades of all time poll (which you should go check out) so I decided that I am going to make a mock.
So how this mock works is you get to pick a letter and then I will give you a roster with players FIRST NAMES starting in its that letter.
I will give you 7 days to trade and I will make a tournament bracket to decide the winner (starts October 13th USA) The way the matches will be decided is by a simulated game of NBA 2K. The matchups will be:
A vs XYZ (combined)
B vs W
C vs V
D vs U
E vs T
F vs S
G vs R
H vs OQP(combined) because not many Qs)
I vs N
J vs M
K vs L
You will be given a mix of current and all time players.
Here is the signup page: https://fanspo.com/nba/s/general/p/DtGpIB1mi_1MAv/sign-up-page-for-alphabet-mock