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My response to JimmyJoeJack

my last post was showing how i was standing up for OnFire1116 and this is what the guys response was. heres that link: since he blocked me i will share my response with fanspo on a "Grander" stage

response to JimmyJoeJack:

hey man this is not cool i have some things to tell u. 1 bullying is not nice. 2 their is mostly teens on here and ur bullying could be harrasment to me, Onfire1116 and others. 3 with ur comment im quoting "Obviously you’re looking in the mirror when you’re saying ur a dumb ass idiot. U need to get a life this post is history just like u and your stupid ass comment son, now go to school And STFU little boy. Blocked to all idiots." i have a few things on this one 1.1- i am looking in the mirror saying how dumb and mean u are as like a 80 year old heres the quote backing this up "Which reminds me of the kids that I went to school with back in 1964" 1.2 for the school thing i have straight A's, well liked and get girls, witch ur old ass dosn't have 1.3 im not little i can easly beat u in a 1v1, i can just push u back lightly and u fall. 4 heres ur next mean comment "Just keep looking little boy before you go to school, and when you get to school try to learn something son. Blocking idiots." Like i said before i have straight A's and i do learn things just so u know. 5 heres the 3rd and final mean comment u said to me "You’re just as stupid as the creator of this trade post. Blocking all idiots. Especially when they are a day late and a dollar short to the party." i have been thinking u could be the one stupid making these mean comments. 6 to ur party comment i had a amazing homecoming party/dance and i got GIRLS! u probobly frogot what that was like. 7 last and certanty not least yall know im semi-well known and i dont like being mean besides playful teases with sports and i love helping out my fellow creators, getting to the point sleepy JimmyJoeJack go on ur rusty old ass couch and rethink ur life over, and also if u be mean to ANYONE else on fanspo i will stand up for them!


Go Fanspo army
