With Kuminga wanting significant pay and more floor time... and with old Valanciunas having no business on a tanking Wizards team... the money and picks are there for an easy transaction.
The Wizards get Kuminga to pair with Poole of what GS thought was the future of their franchise, it now works, but in DC. The Wizards hold an unlikely to convey 2030 FRP with protection from 1-20, that more likely than not would convey as a SRP, only, as constructed. So, that essential SRP, one other SRP, and a FRP goes to GS along with Valanciunas to help shore up with the bangers at center the Warriors need to address. The Wizards need to give all young players floor time and trade the vets now or this summer. It's time to go young and try to capture the Flagg. The Wizards have the floor-time and finances to allow JK to become whatever he may become. It's almost too perfect for both teams to not do.