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How much is Jerami Grant worth right now?


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I've been seeing a lot of Jerami Grant trades recently. That makes sense considering it was reported after the Lillard trade that the Blazers we're planning to trade him when he becomes tradeable. I've seen a whole lot of differing opinions about his value on the market too, so I just wanted to see what fans of different teams think about it.

Now, I think we can all agree that Grant is getting paid too much money for what he's worth on his new contract. That has to be taken into account when evaluating him as a trade asset. He is a very good offensive player, a great shooter last couple of season and a solid defender. He's not elite on that end, but is a big wing that doesn't struggle to defend on the perimeter. I think we can put him in the "star role-player" category. He's not quite an all-star, but most contenders would want a player like him, just not on the contract he's on, and that's kind of the issue with trading for him.

I'm a Mavs fan and a lot of people have been making Grant to Dallas trades in the last couple of weeks. In their case, the assets the Mavs have are Tim Hardaway Jr., Jaden Hardy, Josh Green, O-Max Prosper, one of 2026 or 2027 frp and two 2rps (potential 2028 swap too). I would personally not trade O-Max in a trade for a bad contract like that considering his massive defensive upside. In my opinion, a Richaun Holmes (bad contract too) + Josh Green + a first rounder is a good to very good offer. A certain Blazers fan is going on a hating rampage though, saying the Mavs would have to add O-Max for the Blazers to even consider the trade (they comment that under every Grant-Mavs mock trade).

I would appreciate any opinions in the comments. You can base them on the example above (Mavs assets) or propose Grant trades for other teams that might want him.

Thank you.
