Hey all, was feeling nostalgic today and thought I'd share some old images of TradeNBA back from 2018-2019 when it was launched. TradeNBA launched originally on June 9, 2018 through an announcement post on reddit. You can still find that post here.
Since then it has been awesome growing the site with you all and getting to see what you guys have made of it. If anyone has any memories of this or the past 1.0, 2.0 version before the rename to Fanspo, feel free to share!
June 15, 2018 Trades page (Kawhi drama)
June 17, 2018 Navigation Menu
June 21, 2018 Shared trade design
June 22, 2018 First Draft board design
June 26, 2018 Player comparison feature in trade machine
June 27, 2018 Shared trade design on desktop
February 6, 2019 Video capture of original screen shot feature on trade machine
May 16, 2019 Draft board
June 2, 2019 New Free Agent signing feature
TradeNBA 2.0 Home page (2020-2021)

September 26, 2020 TradeNBA 2.0 Profile design
TradeNBA 2.0 Trade Proposals page

June 11, 2021 TradeNBA 3.0/Fanspo rename launch

Most of these images were pulled from our twitter which you can still find looking through our history on our twitter profile here.
Bonus: Oldest post currently on Fanspo
The oldest post currently on Fanspo is this one: https://fanspo.com/nba/trades/nHeo7mHLV from around 3 years ago on December 15, 2019.
It's a little tricky to know the first post, since when TradeNBA started you didn't have to login to post a trade, so it was just anonymous without a title or description. Later on I added the ability to login and create a profile, so that people can add descriptions to their trades.
Shoutout to @Why for inspiring me to write this post today reflecting on the history of the site!