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Player DNA mock

Since there are multiple mocks going on a mock rn would be crazy

So the solution i made up is not do a mock For now

But later in the year I just wanna let you know it'll happen very soon

Not soon

But very soon

But this post is for teams and stuff so I don't have to do that later

its for explaining the gist of it as well


The Player DNA mock is basically a game of luck and more luck

You'll get two random names I'll assign those to a random team

For example

Cavs:Keon Brown III and Cole Collins

Magic: Jaden Mitchell and Eric Nelson

One of those players is an all time player in disguise

One if a current above 75 overall

You'll state your team and your "player"

I'll tell you the all time player or current player

Also positions,heights and weights all randomized so you can get a

Shooting guard 7"3 150 pound Larry bird on the wizards named Bowl Mann

So go haywire and pick your teams

I'm just tryna be creative here

Follow me for all the updates on my posts

Let's get it let's go

76ers(Isaac Prince):LukaforMvp

Bucks(Woo Yang):

Bulls(Trenton Fillet):donkedave

Cavs(Stephen Anderson or John McCain):

Celtics(Amiri Lockland):Spiraldubs

Clippers(Craig Stewart III or Tyrese Tucker):

Grizzlies(Tyler Troy-Hayward):FTTBforever

Hawks(Cain Smith or Kyle Kuminga):

Heat(Diego De La Cruz)

Hornets(Xander Mentions or Shay Magic) :

Jazz(Zach Barnes):Butch

Kings(Allah Brenton or JD Williamson III):

Knicks(Udon Carrey):Brunson4MVP

Lakers(Skylar Paul):

Magic(Ty Johnson):BaileyBurrows

Mavericks(BuBu Days):Upthemavs

Nets(Clark Allen or Smith Simons):

Nuggets(Hunter Cox or Sean Trench):

Pacers(Scoot Switzerland):haliburton4mvp

Pelicans(Adin Carrey or Shannon Seattle Jr):

Pistons(Chad King or Brent Blackman):

Raptors(Ronny Green or CJ Talbot):

Rockets(Klay Wagner or Kyle Powell):

Spurs(Mason Mahomes or Damar Davison Sr):

Suns(Shay Wiggins-Wright):builderdog

Thunder(DJ Osman:ITlover

Wolves(Trey Sandro):Bronnyisthebest

Blazers(Francisco White or Dallas Lillard):

Warriors(Shane Jones):Kumingathebest

Wizards(Peter Willis):P00LESUCKS

Join. you may like it!

I rlly put time into this so pls consider it!

All links you'll need quote flame btw
