Welcome back from Dual Mock Season 1 everyone! I'm very happy with how season 1 went. Plz make sure you understand the rules to the Dual Mock as they're the same ones from Season 1. There's a twist now tho. When you submit your team roster(24 players maximum), ON THIS POST, I'll reply to your comments with an all time player, and you guys can decide to either accept the player(you may waive player(s) to make room) or receive the "Last Man Standing" buff(see DUAL MOCK SEASON 2 INFO post for info on that). The Dual Mock Season 2 Trade Negotiations and Trade Confirmations Posts are linked below.
If you ARE NOT in the Dual Mock and would like to be, plz notify me of that in the comments. If someone who is already in the Dual Mock is very inactive, then I'll swap you in as an alternate for them. Good luck!
Alternate Signups:
Trade Negotiations:
Trade Confirmations: