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Stop the hate


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No Incoming Assets,
Cap Impact - $2.4M

No incoming assets

-6  Wins

-34.00  MPG

-1.82  Off.

-0.34  Def.



+1 player ($2.4m),
Cap Impact + $2.4M

+6  Wins

+34.00  MPG

+1.82  Off.

+0.34  Def.

I was recently on my alt account “ Billy the Kid” and I saw there’s a lot of hate on Fanspo. If a trade is not perfectly holy not and some random bozo will say pass. A lot of real NBA trades aren’t perfect. These GM’s value some players over others. for example, the Damian Lillard trade. there can be arguments for that but we all know that the trailblazers got scammed. just don’t say pass If the trade isn’t perfect. my first idea would be to instead of saying pass for a trade that isn’t to your liking, just give your ideas of what you think the trade should be like to the creator and so you’re not coming off so harsh. secondly, let people share their ideas. You don’t need to be beating them down because their idea isn’t perfect. It’s a chance to learn. My first year of fanspo was a lot of learning. What I really think it’s a good idea it’s mentoring and or teaching new creators what value is. What certain players are valued at what certain positions are valued and What certain skill sets are valued, What picks are valued and what the gm thinks of the players value. I’m not saying to be a good creator you have to mentor someone or be mentored. I’m just saying it’s a good idea to show new creators the ropes. And lastly, talk to someone like you’re talking to them in real life. People “including me” will say stuff, but they wouldn’t say to your face. I just think we should keep this place civil and not like another hell hole like Twitter. That’s all my thoughts on it and I would like to see what’s your thoughts.
