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Anton Watson


HT/WT/WS6' 7", 233lbs

Big Board Rankings

Community Scouting Reports (5)

Roller Chest



GSW position: SF/PF

Highs: a strong defender, good at free throws, can dig their open in the paint, plays his role good, can rebound, can move the ball (the ball would not stick long in his hand), can play in the middle at times with a good center and other good defenders around because of his length and size and his good defense, does not foul much

Lows: not a person to the shoot the 3 much but can at times, he has to work on when his teammate like the PG pass him the ball a little lower than usual but it most likely at this time turn into a turnover (like a center)

Analysis done by @PoPOut1. View their full  draft big board and scouting reports here.
KKdacracra Scouting




  • Strong in height

  • Great with back-to-basket

  • Drive with power

  • Not afraid of contact

  • Solid in his rebounding

  • 3 ball is great numbers-wise


  • Small for position

  • FT numbers are poor

  • His game will be hard to translate

Comp: Grant Williams?

Birthday: October 00

Notes: Too

Analysis done by @KK_Scouts. View their full  draft big board and scouting reports here.



Projected draft range:

Projected NBA rookie role:

Projected NBA position:

Projected Rookie Statline:



Shades of/comp:

Best outcome:

mid outcome:

worst outcome

Analysis done by @ozway. View their full  draft big board and scouting reports here.
Brian Sukalski



Pretty deficient offensively, but I think he has a real chance to guard 1-5 in the NBA, and on a more abstract level, he has learned over 5 years at an extremely successful Gonzaga program exactly what it takes to win. He's always been willing to do what it takes, too. Slowly improved as a shooter, but he's old. It's a lot easier to make it with his skill profile at 6'8" than at 6'1 (hello, Reece Beekman)

Analysis done by @sukalskibrian. View their full  draft big board and scouting reports here.
Amy Rickard



Pros: Strong, hustles, gets to rim well, solid shooter. Cons: Defense needs work, must get better from beyond the arc. Ceiling: Roleplayer Floor: Benchwarmer

Analysis done by @aerickard. View their full  draft big board and scouting reports here.