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Is it just me or is Fanspo starting to get a lot more personal.

I’ve spent the last two months just analyzing what is trending and new, but I have seen a couple of different things that have seriously bugged me.

1) A lot of posts coming out today are asking about personal information. I’ve seen a couple of posts today asking about what grade or states they were in. And it seems that the more time spent on here, the more the user will ask personal questions. This is a sports network, not the next Facebook.


2) If you look at the trending page right now, I will guarantee that you will see at least six different mock rosters or pages. First off, we do not need six different mocks going on at the same time. Now I understand that each mock will only hold thirty users, but this is still insane. This leads to my other problem with mocks. Most users will normally hog positions on every mock possible. Depending on that person’s circumstances, they will go idle for like forever and they will not pay attention to their team. They may focus on a single mock and forget about the others.


3) The last problem I will explain here is the immense arrogance and in humility shown on here. Besides the personal questions users are asking, has anybody noticed how cocky most users and moderators been. I have viewed many different posts talking about how great they are. It is like their is no humility by any popular moderator. This is even visible for many of the up and coming users. Honestly, it is really, really annoying.


PS) Plus this isn’t even funny.


1) Delete any post that is asking about personal information to prevent any possible spam, hackings, etc. If that user is found doing any of that stuff, suspend their account however long is necessary.

2) A single mock that can offer more teams. If there is like 52 different users asking to join, choose the first thirty users, and then take the other twenty-two into either a board position, in which they can vote for different rule changes or veto trades, or in a mini-league, in which the users that win can take over the idle users’ teams.

3) Just stop the disrespect. If you want to go be cocky and all, just go do it on Twitter or something like that.
