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The worst question I've ever been asked.

On Friday, before getting ready to take a Science test (for those wondering, it was about the human body), my teacher introduced his cat to the school, and we were the last ones to see it, so already this story is taking a turn for the worse. We all got to pet her, but by the time it got passed to me, everyone could clearly tell that the cat was not happy. But this cat was special. It was part of a group of 9 cats + a mother. However, they all contracted a disease common amongst dogs (but they contracted the cat variation of the disease). 9 of the cats died, but that one cat survived and was found in a dark alley, and they gave the cat the name Allie, which is fitting. While the cat was getting passed around, this one girl, who was sitting next to me, with a straight face, asked me "Do you eat cats?" For context, I'm vegetarian, and she's known that for a long time. My table was laughing, except her, who was still waiting for a response. After 2 more minutes of dying, I finally told her that I don't. Then, as if this wasn't bad enough, she said (ha) "But your vegetarian, right? (Yes). And vegetarians eat cats?!" We laughed for another 3 minutes. Then the test got assigned and we had to shut up. A very anticlimactic ending to a very weird story.
