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Rabbit + Dog = Trouble

So my History teacher has a pet rabbit that's in her room the entire day. Its also the biggest rabbit my mom has ever seen, and I don't blame her, because this creature eats a lot of food. Interestingly enough, one teacher assistant at my school has a dog who everyone obsesses over. That assistant also happens to be the grumpiest in the school. For example, once she said that you couldn't blow your nose inside the classroom, and got mad that everyone was coughing after they ran a mile, and took 30 seconds out of her day to teach us how to breathe properly. Keep in mind, this was during a History test. But today, my History teacher was gone, so the teacher assistant stepped in, and she brought the dog with her. I walk into History, and its going well, until the dog starts chasing the rabbit.

The rabbit immediately runs (as a rabbit would normally do), but the dog does not give up. I wish I got the footage on camera, but no phones are allowed on campus (for good reason.) The rabbit runs around the room for a solid 45 seconds, before finding a little crevice to hide, and the dog looks back at the rabbit envious. But really, the rabbit just wanted food. 3 minutes later, the rabbit was out, and during this time the dog was feeling sleepy. But when it saw the rabbit, it got up, and slowly walked up to the rabbit, maybe as a sneak attack. But it fails horrendously, and the dog misses by about a foot. Another chase happens, which turned out to be way more interesting than my History work. But the rabbit yet again used its get out of jail free card by going back in the alcove. I got more work done until my tablemate taps me, and points to the rabbit. It had exited the tiny gap again! At this point, no one knew what the bunny was doing, but one thing's for sure, it wanted to run around. In the third chase, the dog gets damn close to the bunny, missing its tail by an inch. Interestingly, the bunny had a new strategy, that did not work. It decided that the dog would hopefully not find it behind the teacher's chair. And it worked to an extent. The dog could still find it, but now it was put in timeout by the teacher assistant. It sat for about a minute being lectured, which it clearly did not pay attention in.

A few more chases go by, but the same things happen. Dog finds bunny, dog chases bunny, bunny runs, bunny hides, dog gets mad, goes to sleep, gets woken up, and repeat. But on one particular chase, the bunny had gotten to a higher elevation of a set of two steps that it wasn't supposed to go on. The bunny was on the highest step, the dog on the lower step, watching its every move. Eventually, the dog got lured off the steps, and the bunny jumped down. Entertaining, but very anticlimactic. And then lunch happened.

Moral of the story: Do NOT have a bunny and a dog in the same room.
