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Kids nowadays know way too much

I was gonna put this into something else, but I decided that the story would be way too long for any bigger project.

So I'm biking around with Person A and Person B (I'm definitely not revealing their names, why would I), and Person A, without knowing for whatever reason, bikes into 2 bushes. Why? I have no clue. Then, three white kids while on the INFERIOR vehicle (scooters) try to talk trash. Literally the day before this, a different white kid tried to tell us that we couldn't leave this elementary school (the other two people with me graduated years ago). If you've seen my image post of my bleeding leg (idk why I posted that but I did, I never deleted it:, you know that I'm not white. Keep this into consideration for later. They wonder why we're laughing hysterically, stare at us for a minute, then leave. We're all confused, continue to bike around, then they want all the smoke.

They call us monkeys to start, thinking that we're black. They're completely wrong. We try to tell them. This 3rd Grader who likely buys the Fortnite battle pass every season actually has the intellectual knowledge to understand what we're saying. So he then goes with the unbeatable line of "you came to America because there's no water in Africa". If you want to know what race I actually am, just look at half the conversations I've had with SeattleThunder. The only reason he's in America is because he was born into the richest family possible. But whatever, he just go away, before me and Person A come up with the bright idea of using lines from the Kendrick Lamar vs. Drake beef against them. Meanwhile, during all of this, Person B was completely lost. He didn't understand my wise words of "I hate the way you walk, the way you talk, I hate the way you dress." During all of this, the other kid next to the privileged 3rd Grader is completely fine with this entire situation, not saying a word. He's the one cool person in this entire thing.

We start out by mentioning typical 3rd Grade stereotypes. Person A repeatedly brings up a Fortnite or Roblox gf (this was false, you'll see as the story develops). Meanwhile, he is cussing us out to the point of no return. You're definitely thinking what I'm thinking. Why and how does this kid know how to successfully cuss me out? That's a big problem with this new generation. They're watching channels they shouldn't be on Youtube or TikTok. For the 3 parents reading this; just turn on the Parental Lock feature or whatever Youtube offers. I knew how to turn it off as a kid, but today's children especially with more complicated menu navigation will be lost.

This goes on for another 20 minutes until something interesting happens. So instead of reading off random garbage that happens, I'd rather just give the best roasts I can remember.

"30 minutes until bedtime" - Me

"Wait until my brother gets back" - newfound opp

"Pick on someone your own age" - newfound opp

"Get a girlfriend like me" - newfound opp

"Where did my tennis ball go?" - Person B (what an innocent soul)

The more useful things that came up now, just wanted to get the yap session between the four of us mentioned for at least a little bit. This included a long talk about this 3rd Grader's "girlfriend". It was all meaningless, until we found out that his girlfriend was his mom. We didn't want to tell him, we really didn't, but he asked what was so bad about it. So we had to tell him, unfortunately. But, he started it, I can't take the blame for any of this. Person A was also committing the most atrocities in this battle, because it was basically a 1v1. The problem is, his roasts were kinda garbage. I also do not remember a single one.

Eventually, we realize that we're doing all of this on a Sunday. Person A realizes they have school (big shocker), and with 1 week left in their school year, they decide that they really need some sleep. So we have to wrap it up, and decide that we'd butt heads again when the 3rd Grader is no longer in 3rd Grade, and we also gave him the greatest life story one can tell: don't be racist. We told him you can curse us out when you get permission. Or just resort to using racial slurs later. I said that line as a joke, not expecting too much from him. I didn't even know if he heard it.

But then, this little son of a gun has the guts to use the line "ok bye ------". Because I physically can not use that word, I think you know what 6-letter word he said. Keep in mind, he's white. So this kid is a jerk, racist, and the victim of a pedophile. One of the craziest things I have possibly ever seen.
