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How I found the name of a principal in a school nearby me

So during work time I was bored. And what do bored Middle Schoolers do? Go to your Grades site (I use Aeries, what do you use?) and Google your teacher’s District of Residence (I technically have 4 teachers, but only one can pop up.) I wasn’t expecting much, until I found this totally legal site that had to school ID’s (or whatever it’s called) of a bunch of randoms schools. Oh, and also, while doing this, a bunch of people were wondering what I was doing with this situation, so I had some pressure on what to do (not really.) I chose a random High School as an example of why this WON’T work. I showed a few people what would happen, scrolling down this random number I had copy&pasted onto a Google search bar. And nearing the end, I found a site. This site, for whatever reason, was accidentally not private to only the school’s website, and on the first of 13 pages, I found the name of their principal. I’m not going to reveal it for obvious reasons, but it sure got a kick out of the people looking at my screen, and made look like a clown. I did show them another example and nothing popped up there, so my point was still valid. I think what happened was they had to put that number into the link page so School District Admins could access it easily, but I found it off of pure luck (and a really shady website.)
