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I've something to say

With my family, I'm the odd one out with who I support in the NBA. Everyone in my family supports the Magic, and they think I support the Magic, I'm an undercover Magic fan, despite being a Mavs fan. So I'm just asking you, should I change my team to the Magic so I don't have to deal with faking supporting them, or stay as a Mavs fan, and continue to suffer. But then I'm traitoring on my team, but then again, I'll blend in.

What should I do?

Cliff4rd ⬤ 2d

Switch. Don't keep on suffering and watch the Mavs capitulate even further. Orlando has got Franz and Paolo, both healthy and performing great, and they just beat the top seeded Cavs a few hours ago

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GSauceW ⬤ 2d ⬤ 

pick whoever you feel more drawn to.

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DeadPoole ⬤ 2d ⬤ 

Up to you. I kept me being a Dodgers fan for a while but gave up because my family only watches baseball occasionally

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LakerViking ⬤ 2d ⬤ 

Up to you.

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ryanjusuf722 ⬤ 2d

Stay faithful to YOUR team bro

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Haliburton4MVP ⬤ 2d ⬤ 

I’d say be faithful to ur team but I wouldnt judge you because you team basically tortured you and it’s not like you’ll be rooting for the Celtics or the lakers

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Jagsandpels ⬤ 2d ⬤ 

Up to you, but I’d switch to the Magic. Reason I haven’t switched from the Jaguars or Pelicans is because they haven’t done anything as stupid as the Luka trade, but retaining Baalke and hiring Saleh would’ve been that tier for me.

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It’s up to you. I’d stay loyal to my team, but I also haven’t had to deal with something like the Luka trade.

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Ballin ⬤ 2d ⬤ 

Do whichever team you like more, and be proud that you like them, nothing wrong with being an odd ball. Don’t conform to the majority. You’ll never be better than somebody at anything if you try to become that person. Stand your ground and let your family love you for who you are, your opinions, and your disagreements. You’re your own person. But also if you go Magic then kinda hopping off the bandwagon with Luka and Kyrie done sooo

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buzzbeeee18 ⬤ 2d ⬤ 

Assuming you are from Florida, go with the magic

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BobRossIsSoCool ⬤ 2d ⬤ 

Come to us…. Become one with the Goga. Fr tho we’d be happy to have you

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wcjownsyou_34 ⬤ 1d ⬤ 

Join us

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Finq17 ⬤ 1d ⬤ 

Every Mavericks fan has up to the offseason to pick a new team and nobody is allowed to call them bandwagons.

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