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Giving Forth To A New Generation Of FanSpo Users

I've been on this site for almost 3 years, I created my account January 27th, 2022. I've done a few things on this site, but that was when I was in middle school. Fortunately or unfortunately, my middle school was VERY easy compared to other places. This gave me time to do a lot of stuff on this site because what else did I have to do? But now High School has started, and things are getting very serious. My aspirations have to come true in the next 4 years or I'll be broke my whole life, which isn't totally ideal to say the least.

If you've been on the site for at least a year you'll know how the cycle of the year goes. In short, chronological order: boring, less boring, kinda fun, very fun, people leave, boring. It's not a fun cycle to endure. But it's kinda the truth, and people have to face it at some point. Over time I was thinking "there's no way I run into this, well until I get to high school". One small problem, my 9th Grade just started about a month ago. I was thinking about writing this but with JCole retiring (likely this time) I feel prompted to write this.

When I started on this site, things were a lot different. There was no Pick'Em or Articles space, Grids didn't exist, and I had COVID. I don't think I've ever said that on this site, but the single reason I started this site is because I was laying in my room with a computer in front of me 15 hours a day, which wasn't ideal so I looked up NBA Trade Machine and I found this. I then got COVID again 6 months later. Good times.

2023 was a bad time for this site. We got grids, and that was it. No new good users joined (except the Blazers fans, guru and swagduck) a lot of people left (even me, temporarily), and the site overall kinda sucked. This year has been a lot better. We got rid of downvotes (for better or for worse), along with good new users, and other users from last year returning to the site. Warriors and Lakers fans have taken over (some for the better, a lot for the worse), and trade creators are doing a lot better. We like to focus on the downs of the community like someone like rm or rob sievers (get name dropped) but in truth the overall community has been great. You can look at the most popular trades this past year, you'll find great results.

I think it is the time to start giving the keys to the new generation of users, the old generation (2022 and before) is pretty much gone now unless someone makes a huge return (could be me who knows). I'll still be posting but this might be one of, if not the last text post I write up (not the last I post but the last I write, I have another one saved in a vault of hidden posts).

This was be a different type of post for me to write. Normally I have huge paragraphs but today I wanted to experiment with smaller paragraphs and see if people like it. This is also a different type of post to type up for me. I'll usually write something silly and call it a day but today this is more serious, and a bit shorter. Call it pushing into the farewell tour if you would.
