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It's Time

First: A Little Timeline

August: I start at new school

Late October - Early November: I receive email from old school saying that on Jan. 1, all former student's emails will be locked

Late October - Early November: I create this account out of fear of losing my old one wanting a safety net and a reputation so I can spread the word

November-December: I spam post intentionally dumb trades

January 1: Email password changed

Early January: I log out of my main account on phone to post smth on woj account for a mock, end up unable to get back in

Early January-Early Febuary: I start using this JAFORMVP account more and using other account less

Yesterday: I get locked out of account on computer

Yesterday: I email Fanspo tech support and contact them on twitter

Today: I tell you who I am

Yea, so as many of u guys already know, this account was an alt account, created for unknown reason. Well, the reason I created this was bc what i feared would happen finally did yesterday: I'm locked out of my fanspo account. I wanted to have a bit of a name for myself and didn't wanna have to start from scratch. The spammed trades where intentionally unfair, stupid, and unrealistic to make it seem like I was a 5th grader. Also completely irrelevant note: sry to showman is someone could tell him to plz unblock me lol I was trying to act annoying on purpose like the 5th grader I was pretending to be, didn't mean to pis him off that much. So yea, anyways this will become my main account unless Fanspo tech support decides to respond to me.

I am MohidHassan

nice to finally peel that band-aid off, I'll rebrand this account to my old stuff in a few days. Also, other note, the fanspo all star draft is starting, we have replaced bron with kyrie as captain, IF YOU ARE IN THE ALL STAR CHALLENGE (List Below), PLZ JOIN THE DISCORD SERVER. Don't join if ur not in the challenge plz.

  • Kyrie

  • ChrisGon

  • RaptorsFan

  • TheRaptor

  • Schlenk

  • amdaymond

  • SixersGM

  • me

  • mnort

  • spursdraftdude

  • jbb

  • Showman

  • MaxeyForMVP

  • MeWasntHere

  • JoshJacksonPOG

  • Buki

  • NotBryceYoung

  • clipfan3

  • KingK

  • olseneli000

  • logolillard

  • cfdog

IK some of you guys don't have discord, that's fine if u don't it's just a convenience thing makes it easier for me and a lot of others results will obviously still be posted on fanspo

Join the Fanspo discord while ur at it:

And follow me on twitter (New account I just made yesterday):

Thanks for everything guys, we're getting back to the top 50 😤💪

also if u were following me on my old account I'd appreciate if u follow me here too if ur not already, u can unfollow that one if u wanna

And mock is still on so join that u can join now it's a bit late as we're already at trade deadline but whatever:
