Pels get their center, Raptors get better now, Clippers get a couple of 2nd Rd picks and can reduce their salary moving forward (assuming Brown would get lower contract than Mann but similar kind of player). Who says no?
+ 0 Wins
-12.48 MPG
+1.75 Off.
+0.73 Def.
+ 0 Wins
+8.75 MPG
-3.67 Off.
+2.34 Def.
+ 0 Wins
+3.73 MPG
+1.92 Off.
-3.07 Def.
Pels get their center, Raptors get better now, Clippers get a couple of 2nd Rd picks and can reduce their salary moving forward (assuming Brown would get lower contract than Mann but similar kind of player). Who says no?