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Johnny Juzang Jr Ch. 4: Training Session with K-Love

Johnny 'The Jr. Joker' Juzang Jr. had one thing on his mind after the shocking trade to Miami—proving himself. He knew his outside shot and perimeter defense were already strong, but his game needed something more if he wanted to dominate in the NBA. Specifically, he needed to work on finishing in the paint and becoming a more versatile scorer inside. And there was one veteran on the Miami Heat roster who had mastered those areas over the years: Kevin Love.

Love, now in the twilight of his career, had seen it all and done it all, from grabbing boards to scoring in the post to draining threes. He was the ideal mentor for Johnny, who was eager to learn from someone who had thrived in the league for so long.

One day after practice, Johnny approached Kevin. “Kev, I need your help. I want to get better at finishing in the paint and scoring through contact. I want to add more to my game.”

Love, always the savvy veteran, smiled at Johnny’s request. “You’re asking to work on one of the toughest parts of the game, kid,” he said. “Finishing inside isn’t just about power or athleticism. It’s about footwork, timing, and using angles. If you’re serious about it, we’ll put in the work.”

Johnny nodded eagerly. “I’m all in.”

Lesson 1: Footwork and Timing The next morning, the two were on the court before the team’s regular practice even started. Kevin Love began by teaching Johnny the fundamentals of post play—how to use his body to shield defenders, how to position his feet for a clean look at the basket, and how to anticipate where the defense was going to be before making his move.

“Watch this,” Love said, demonstrating a classic drop-step move. “You’ve got to feel the defender, know where he’s leaning, and take advantage of that. It’s not always about speed—sometimes it’s about patience and letting them overcommit.”

Johnny practiced the move over and over, trying to get the timing right. At first, he was too fast, rushing his shot. Love stopped him.

“Slow down, Joker,” he said with a chuckle. “When you’re in the paint, time is on your side. You’ve got to control the pace. Don’t let the defender dictate your rhythm.”

As Johnny adjusted, Love also showed him how to use fakes and spins to create separation from defenders. He made Johnny repeat every movement until it became second nature, drilling the importance of footwork and keeping a calm mindset in tight spaces.

Lesson 2: Finishing Through Contact Next came learning to finish through contact—something Johnny knew he had to improve if he wanted to survive against the big men of the NBA. Love had the Heat's coaches set up padded defenders to bump Johnny mid-air during layup drills, simulating real-game scenarios.

“Here’s the thing about finishing through contact,” Love said, stepping to the side of the drill. “It’s not just about taking the hit. It’s about controlling your body, keeping your eyes on the rim, and making the shot even when they try to knock you off course.”

Johnny ran through the drill again and again, getting bumped, knocked around, and sometimes missing the layup. But with every attempt, Love pushed him to stay focused, to adjust mid-air, and to finish the play no matter how hard the hit.

“Don’t fade away from contact,” Love reminded him. “Lean into it. Use it to your advantage.”

Slowly but surely, Johnny’s finishes became stronger. He learned to absorb the contact, maintain his balance, and power through for the score.

Lesson 3: The Hook Shot and Scoring Versatility One of the most valuable tools Kevin Love had in his arsenal was the hook shot—a move that could help any player, regardless of size, score over bigger defenders. He taught Johnny how to add it to his game.

“This shot,” Love explained, “is about touch. You don’t need to jump through defenders. You just need to float it over them.”

Love demonstrated a series of hook shots, showing Johnny how to get the right spin and arc on the ball. Then it was Johnny’s turn. At first, his hooks were too flat, but with Love’s guidance, he began finding the right feel for the shot.

Love didn’t stop there, though. He also taught Johnny how to operate from the mid-range, showing him how to use quick post-ups and pull-up jumpers from the elbow. These were moves that could keep defenders guessing, giving Johnny multiple options whenever he found himself in the paint.

Putting It All Together Over the next few weeks, Johnny worked tirelessly on everything Love had taught him. His footwork became more precise, his finishes more controlled, and his inside game more varied. In scrimmages, he started using his newfound moves to get past defenders and score in ways he hadn’t before.

One afternoon during a practice scrimmage, Johnny found himself in the paint with a defender on his back. Instead of forcing a contested layup, he pivoted smoothly, faking the defender out, and then rose up for a soft hook shot that kissed the backboard and dropped in.

Kevin Love, watching from the sideline, gave a proud nod. “That’s it, Joker! You’re getting it!”

Johnny knew he was becoming a more complete player. His time with Kevin Love had opened up a whole new dimension to his game. He no longer had to rely solely on his perimeter shooting or speed. Now, he had the tools to score inside, finish through contact, and keep defenders guessing.

As the season approached, Johnny felt ready for whatever challenges came his way. He had worked hard, absorbed everything Love had taught him, and was determined to prove that the Miami Heat’s gamble on him would pay off. With his newfound versatility, Johnny was prepared to make an impact on both ends of the floor—and take his game to the next level.

And when game day finally arrived, the Jr. Joker would be ready to show the world just how dangerous his new skills could be.

What is Juzang's next move?

A. Nothing

B. Go partying with team (boosts team trust, may possibly lose coach trust)

C. Go searching for real parents

D. Train more (boosts skills and coach trust)









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