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s/thunder  Posted by u/SGAthegoat

53 views, 1 vote

1 vote



33 views, 1 vote

1 vote



s/thunder  Posted by u/Jagsandpels

15 views, 2 votes

2 votes



s/thunder  Posted by u/JDUBszn




s/thunder  Posted by u/Waynoepotato   

10 views, 2 votes

2 votes

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s/thunder Rules

There are obvious reasons why we don't allow people to personally insult others, and doing so will get you banned. It makes everyone feel a little less welcome.

NSFW content will be removed and violators will be banned.

No personally identifying information, including anything hosted on platforms making that information public. Posts encouraging the harassment of any individual, group, community, or space will be removed and may result in a ban. If necessary, a report will be made to the site administration. In accordance with Fanpo's policies, there is zero tolerance for this.

This is an automatic ban. We want everyone no matter their age, gender, sexual preferences, or race to feel welcome in this space. This includes jokes or quotes that include such language.

Do not post or comment with the purpose of trolling or inciting reactions from other users. This will lead to a ban. Don't be offensive just to be offensive.

If you post a false report, say for example someone commented Pels or Suns pass and you reported it for abuse, the comment will be approved but the reporter will receive a short 1-2 day ban, if such acts continue by the same user, the ban length will be risen by a day or a week, maybe even a month! So don't commit such acts. Stay friendly and let's keep this Fanspo community a nice sports community.

This has been a problem for a while where people take trades from either other users, or trade websites without giving credit and passing them off as their own. Sharing trades from other websites is ok but not if you do not credit the website/author. It is important to not do this and if you do not credit the creator of a trade, your post will be deleted. If you continue to breach this rule you will have a temporary ban.
