-Presses up when defender picks up ball getting hands in way
-Great hands to steal ball (maniac)
-Primary ball handler
-Good crossover & utilizes small space well
-Recognizes doubles and passes out well
-Good control recognizing defenders leverage & what is given to him
-Comfortable pulling up from midrange if given space
-Quick first step
-Good recognition of open defenders on drives before his second step
-Good hip fluidity, speed, & cuts driving defenders off forcing them to pick up dribble
-Good floater game
-Good job switching on screens, but can put him in mismatcehs
-Good handle getting up court w/full court press
-Lets play develop in two man game
-Fine physicality (tries)
-Good on help d on the interior getting hands up
-High release
-Good recovery speed
-Not phased by contests
-Comfortable pulling up from 3 (catch & shoot)
-Cuts off lanes for off ball man while maintaining position to stop screens
-Good spin move
-Good job recognizing & drawing contact
-Too often passes with one hand
-Watches ball too often when sagging off defensively and looses his man leading to open perimeter shots
-Can overcommit on help d or in passing lanes
-One man offense, dribbles a lot and lets play develop
-Bad positioning on boxouts
-Not much movement off ball
-Some odd double decisions
-Drives to the left only
-Can force offense at times
-Sags off & multiple times doesnt even give closeout
-Overcommits on closeouts (doesnt shuffle)
-Flips hips too often on fullcourt press
-Can try to get too fancy with dribbles or squeeze into tight lanes
-Can get blocked by longer defenders when he forces drives, not enough height