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The Art Of Accepting Being Wrong

On the Internet, you'll encounter many things. An innocent man's name being posted on Twitter for millions to see. Literal lies about other people to garner attention on a website that's supposed to only have factual information. But possibly the worst fate on the Internet possible is to get your potentially good trade mobbed by delusional NBA fans. I was going to make this on the basis of Blazers fans but I figured that A: It was too baity (yes that's a word) and B: I felt bad. The space I chose was still intentional. I made a post about this a few months ago, but I wanted to expand on this more in a bigger post that wasn't two sentences.

If someone gets in an unwinnable argument, online or real life, they will refuse to accept loss no mater what the circumstance. Accepting defeat is not a damage to your overall reputation, or aura (I really didn't want to say that word but it was my only understandable explanation). If you realize that Pumped Up Kicks was released in 2011 (which is actually true, if you're reading this, comment "No Way!") gaining that as new knowledge is better than just trying to deny it and say that it was a 1990s song. There are some things that can turn into a braindead opinion battle. That's agree-to-disagree, and you and the other person move on perfectly fine.

What I'm trying to get at is that arguments should not last more than 10 messages online or 1 minute in person.

It's stupid, especially if you're on the obviously winning side. It can be easy to get caught debating if Mark Williams sucks or not. Even if you bring up stats they'll just deny it, and so be it. This is something I've ran into so many times on this site. I've had my fair share of 20 message arguments over some things incredibly silly, but now if I don't agree with someone's trade, they ask why, I give a potentially solid explanation and they refute it well enough I'll leave it at that and realize that my statement was probably wrong. Which is tough for anyone, even if you have good arguments yourself. But if someone has a trade that he's willing to defend even though it's something like Herb Jones for Jimmy Butler then I flame it and let other people do the rest, which is one of the few perks of being a big creator (key word few, that may or may not also be an upcoming post).

I will also briefly bring up overvaluing players. This is what Portland fans dealt with. Their entire team is currently in trade talks, so they look at trades with their team and see if they like it based off of how they knows their players as. However, gassing up your favorite team's players plays a huge role. Yes of course Simons isn't worth 4 FRPs in our opinion, the collective non-Blazer fan FanSpo community watched maybe 6 Blazers games, we're going off of stats. Does that means the fans of their own team know better because they've watched more? Absolutely not. It's them remembering the good memories and highlights of that players, not the bad ones. If Jerami Grant didn't make a single bad play then yes he'd be worth Dalton, Rui, 2 FRPs, a swap, and JHS. But that's simply not the case. No one is perfect, we all know that.

I have other post ideas in mind that I have to execute, stay on the lookout for that.
