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Rank those players #6: L. James, K. Durant, J. Butler, K. Leonard and G. Antetokounmpo

Rank from 1st to 5th and you may explain your reasoning behind your vote. Votes will be counted and the rankings will be shared after.

Players can also be ranked has equals.

Voting examples:

  • Lebron > Durant > Butler > KL > Giannis

  • Butler = Giannis > Durant = Lebron > KL

Interested to see the general thoughts on the hierarchy between the top forwards in the games. Did Jimmy's carry job in the playoffs put him over anyone? Where would you rank a fresh KL in a season where the Clippers are going all-in? What about Lebron, does he still got it? Giannis is constantly talked about as the best player in the league, but is he really top 1? After KD got swept, where would you put him on the list? If there's any forward that you'd put ahead of those guys in a top 5 list, also please share.


  1. Giannis (1,285)

  2. Lebron (2,785)

  3. KD (3,428)

  4. Kawhii (3,642)

  5. Jimmy (3,785)

pre 22/23 editions
Edition 5 results - young guards
Edition 6 results - best forwards
pre 21/22 editions
Edition 1 results - best SGs
Edition 2 results - best Cs
Edition 3 results - young forwards
Edition 4 results - best young guards