Good Morning Zach, Sorry to bother you. But this is URGENT. I've been receiving multiple reports from other users that a user going by "Maestro Thomas" has been harrasing/bullying other users into following them and reportedly is a scammer/hacker. If you can ban the user please. Thanks.
I don't know if this user has been DELETED.
hey Zach can you check out this idea I have.
Hi Zach, this user has been commenting using inappropriate language on my posts and calling me slurs. Can you please look into it? Thx
These are just two examples of posts like these I’ve seen recently. There have been more from further back, but these two are the most recent ones I’ve seen (and I don’t have the time to go further back in time and find the links to other posts like these)
These posts make 0 sense at all. It is the only post either of these users have made and they have not commented at all. Just made the post. I don’t know what to make of it
In these posts there are also potentially harmful links that could be harmful to users. This needs to be address ASAP
Can you ban Chrisgon he is pressuring me and bulling me
Hi Zach, sorry to bother u but there is something happening. People are posting things and they have more dislikes than views within minutes. Some sort of bot or something is going around just disliking everything. Almost every comment or post I see has -1 likes. Is there any way this can be fixed? Thanks
Schlenk has brought up a good point