Seen in a few places Nuggets want to avoid the repeater penalties next year, and are willing to package Zeke Naji to do it. And then yahoo suggested Butler for them, but that he's not a good enough shooter or playmaker. BI is both of those things, cheaper than Butler, also expiring, and only 1 year older than MPJ. Plus, now that BI is willing to take essentially the same deal as MPJ is currently on- while being able to playmake for them when Joker is sitting- if they DID clear cap for next year they could just give him the same as MPJ is on, and call it an improved fit? BI finally would be the 2A option he's meant to be, behind Joker + Murray. You just can't let him play against the Thunder... And they keep Naji.
Pels: BI + some end of the bench youth for Beef Stew + duck the tax this year
Nuggs: MPJ (and contract) for BI + Beasley, and duck the repeater penalties next 2 years
Pistons: Beef Stew + Beasley + cap space to add MPJ to their rebuild
If Nuggets like BI- LET ME DREAM- seems like everyone's a winner, no?