heat offload duncan to free up money to resign caleb + get defensive guard to backup rozier/herro
magic get desperately needed shooting under contract
raptors get slightly higher selections in this years draft
2025 - Round 1
Sign-And-Trade Bruce Brown for a 3 year contract worth $40.0M.
Incoming trade value of $14.0M
Outgoing trade value of $14.0M
2024 $14.0M • 2025 $13.3M • 2026 $12.6M
-1 Wins
+0.01 MPG
-1.11 Off.
-0.20 Def.
+2 Wins
+28.38 MPG
-0.08 Off.
-0.21 Def.
-1 Wins
-28.39 MPG
+1.19 Off.
+0.41 Def.
heat offload duncan to free up money to resign caleb + get defensive guard to backup rozier/herro
magic get desperately needed shooting under contract
raptors get slightly higher selections in this years draft