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Pacôme Dadiet


HT/WT/WS6' 7", 217lbs

Big Board Rankings

Community Scouting Reports (31)




!!! Dadiet came off the bench for Ratiopharm, he only got 15 minutes per game, which isn't too bad, but is enough for him to not have high production or impressive stats, so most of the splits I'll be mentioning might not tell the full story. Take most, if not all his stat lines with some hesitance as to how true they are. !!!



  • Dadiet plays his age, but not in a bad way. He runs his game with energy, he showcases a high motor, and while the argument can be made that it's more of him showing his rawness and he's trying to do too much, I disagree because his fast playstyle isn't putting his team in poor situations or creating issues. Coming off the bench, he was more of a spark to his team offensively than a liability, and I think he could have the same effect in the league (of being a spark plug). Would still like if he controlled himself a bit more, because he does look like he might be a little out of control at times, and if he doesn't refine that "liveliness" of his to be more impactful and effective, issues could be created in the future, and he could end up being an unpolished player. Still though, I like his youthfulness and the pace he plays is cool, for now.

  • Still a really young player, he doesn't turn 19 until late-July.

  • Dadiet's playstyle works in a way in which he could run SG and SF minutes, and he has the body to play both of those roles without any problems. He has great height for a SG being 6'8, and he's not a skinny player with him being 210, so weight isn't an issue for him. If Dadiet does play SF minutes (something I personally think he shouldn't do too much of even if he's capable of doing so), his frame doesn't create any issues here either... he might not have ideal SF weight, but he's lengthy enough to make up for that, and his weight isn't even that bad. I still have some worries about his physique though, I'm not sure if 210 is a good weight for a 6'8 guy, but he doesn't look slim on film, so I'd assume it is...? Also, how much of his body weight is muscle? It doesn't seem like much on tape, he might have more fat than anything. Anyways though, he has a good frame overall, and he really only has small worries, so there's not much to dislike. His body should help him perform fine in whatever position he ends up playing.

  • Ended the season with a great FG percentage of 53%.

  • Doesn't get many turnovers, only averaged 0.8 per game.



  • There's not enough film on Dadiet, and the film that was available wasn't the greatest. You might see me say the word "potential" a lot, and that's because I gave him some benefit of the doubt by saying he might have upside in some categories which I didn't get enough clips on. Might be off on some things, but I'm talking from what I could find.

  • Dadiet seems like an okay shooter, most notably from three in the corner (could be a nice C&S guy), but he doesn't put up many attempts most games, seems like he went 2/2 in half of his matches. He looks solid but with low volume... so... not sure how credible that is. He's making more shots than he's not, but he still has some kinda bad performances at times where he performs more poorly the more attempts he puts up... he can look 50/50. His shooting stats are decent though, he was 38% from three this season, and his FT percentage, although it wasn't the best and noticeably below the average for a SG, was still 77% and could've been a lot worse + is an indicator his shot could translate fine into the NBA. The reason this is a worry and not a like is because 1) I didn't like his shot purely from his film, 2) his FT percentage, again, isn't ideal even if it isn't bad, and like I said before I started talking about anything in this report, he was coming off the bench and not getting too many minutes, his 3PT% (and maybe even his FT%) might be slightly boosted because of this, and 4) I don't know how much I trust his "good performances" with him having so little attempts, the main argument of this entire section. He has too many questions for me, but I could see him maybe being a decent shooter in the league and I can see the appeal some people may have with his shot.

  • Dadiet's an ok finisher. He can be crafty when under the basket, and his nights in the paint tend to be fine, but he also had nights where he drove a lot and he wasn't consistently scoring once at the rim (not to say he can't score in bunches, but it's not common that he does so). And in the nights that he was having good performances, I'd say like half of his points weren't too contested... but he would still fight through some contact at times to get tough finishes. He would show off some athleticism, using whatever quickness he had to drive to the paint with some speed, and at times he would showcase his vert through a dunk here and there, but nothing too eye-catching or impressive. He got fouled a lot before he could fully get to the hoop, which made it a little hard for me to understand his finishing ability better, since he was being prevented from putting up shots and he wasn't converting those fouls to and-1s, but what I think really made it hard for me to grasp how good of a finisher Dadiet is, ignoring the fouls he was getting, was his lack of volume. I'd say like half of his games are games where he only finished at the rim like twice or three times. Dadiet is genuinely not a bad finisher at the rim, but his lack of finishing at the basket and him not really doing anything impressive and not consistently having good finishing nights is enough for me to not put this as a like, practically the same reasons as to why his shot wasn't a like for me...

  • Dadiet didn't seem to do much ball handling, so it was tough to get an idea of how good of a ball handler he is. I don't think he ever turned the ball over in the few times he was doing actually trying to do something, he nearly did once, but that was the closest he ever got to getting a turnover through his dribbling. Doesn't seem to have a crazy offensive bag, and he seems to stick more to the fundamentals than anything, but he can get to his spots and drive to the rim nice, so I can't complain too much. I would put this as a like due to him not having any real issues (at least I think so), but there are games where he literally showcases no handle, and I don't want to put it as a like because I'm really not sure how good he is or isn't... same reason as to why I didn't put his shot or his finishing at the rim as a like.

  • I'm going to mention it here because I'm getting frustrated, but if you couldn't tell somehow, it's hard to grasp how good Dadiet is because he has low production. Like I said at the start, his stats aren't too accurate and he's coming off the bench so I kind of understand, + the film I watched wasn't too good, but still, I feel like I should be seeing more from 15 minutes per game. He shows potential in a lot of things, like everything I mentioned above, but I can't be sure if he's as good at those things as it seems like due to his low volume. He only averaged 6.9 points per game this season, just to put into perspective how much he was really doing. You can't fully rely on stats to tell you the whole picture (especially in this case), but the film makes it seem like those 6.9 points are pretty accurate as to how low production he had while on the floor. Again, low productivity is expected when coming off the bench, and he would occasionally try to impact the game immediately as soon as he saw PT, but as you could probably tell, that impact is barely noticeable and not good enough. It's just infuriating because he's a hard prospect to gauge, I really wish there was more film on him. Players who don't do much and still put their name in the draft confuse me because I don't see the point... upside prospects are so tough to understand, that's really my whole problem...

  • Dadiet wasn't showing much athleticism in games. He might show off his vertical on offense through his dunks, but mostly he would show glimpses of some quickness and a nice burst. I was kind of up in the air on whether I believed Dadiet was athletic or not, but after seeing his combine performances, I just believe he's average, maybe even slightly below that. He was ehh in the speed drills, where he showed the most promise, so it was a little disappointing to see him not do too well. He performed better overall in the vertical tests, but even there his results were more mediocre than anything, with him not really excelling but not bombing the drills. I'm guessing because his film wasn't the greatest, Dadiet looked quicker than he actually is because there were less clips where his issues could shine through (skipping over talking about his vert because it didn't look outstanding on tape anyways). I think it's safe to say that Dadiet has a high motor though, which would explain why he looked fast on film even though he really isn't. I think you could also make the argument that the amount of fat he has might be worrying to his agility, but that could easily be a reach as well. Overall, I still believe Dadiet isn't fully not an unathletic player, just not ideal. He showed some things to like, and even though he didn't perform well, he could've performed worse.

  • He's still a raw prospect. His game isn't very polished both offensively (like I mentioned before, he needs to control his motor better and as you could probably tell, in almost every offensive category he has questions or glaring problems, some of which I still need to mention) and defensively (whose issues I'll talk about next), but you can tell he's more flawed defensively than offensively. He's still very young, so I think you have to give him some time for his game to clean up a bit more. He's not completely unpolished either way, but still, he needs to fix things up to be a more well-rounded player + he can still improve on many aspects of his game if you believe in some of the upside he shows.

  • Dadiet is doing something off the ball... sometimes. He has some successful cuts and off-ball movement which helps him score at the rim, when he did get himself to the basket off-ball it led to a lot of success for him (which is why I did he did it more). He uses some of the speed he has to get open lanes on transition breaks. The thing is though, that's basically it... he doesn't move or do enough off the ball to put this as a like. There were a couple of games where he didn't move off ball at all (but he also had his games where he was somewhat active, not anywhere as regularly as the nights where was inactive though), and some of his off-ball movement is just repositioning, he doesn't look to score and at times he's not putting much effort into his cutting. His off-ball movement itself doesn't tend to be very impressive either, more minimal than anything. Not bad, but he could be much better in this area.



  • Dadiet isn't the greatest defensive player, he's below mediocre and is very flawed in this aspect of the game. He doesn't really provide anything. He doesn't play much on-ball defense, and when he does, he's not bad, but he's far from good. His way of applying pressure on the perimeter is weird visually and 50/50 whether it works or not (ends up being more unsuccessful than anything), and while it does cause turnovers at times, I'd say it's more because his opponents make dumb decisions with the ball and less of his defensive presence (it's hard not to give him some credit though, there's a reason they're making dumb decisions). He can showcase what I think is a high motor guarding beyond the arch, but it could also be him being too ecstatic and showing his age, in other words it may be him being out of control. And as for off-ball, he doesn't much play off-ball defense either. I do think his rotations can be decent and he does a good job of reading where a pass is going to go to next to close-out and prevent a shot, but I'm not too impressed because 1) his close-outs aren't always great, I remember him being hesitant to put a hand up a couple of times, and his contests didn't really lead to anything, 2) it's just a rotation, it doesn't really showcase any outstanding skill other than maybe some sort of feel for the game, and even saying that might be a reach, and 3) that's pretty much all he offers off-ball. He can get blown by, both on-ball and off-ball. Although on film it looked like he could pick up steals consistently, he only averaged 0.4 steals per game, so that contradicts that. When he did get steals on tape, some of them were be created by him via his rare help-defense that he occasionally provided, but most of the steals he got came from those dumb decisions by his opponents or pokes from his teammates which he ended up grabbing. And as for blocks, he wasn't getting any, only 0.1 per game. Overall, Dadiet doesn't play much defense, he's fairly inactive in this side of the game. I wasn't able to get many defensive clips from him, so I might be off on some things, but the defensive clips I did watch of his didn't show much to like, so I stand by my takes here. You'd assume that someone who's not doing too much defensively isn't getting many fouls, but Dadiet is getting a couple of calls per game, 1.5. Although 1.5 fouls per game isn't bad, for someone who's having so little impact on the floor defensively, he shouldn't be getting that number of fouls called on him. You could make the argument that Dadiet has some potential defensively due to his length and him giving some effort 1-on-1 in the little times he was playing defense + he's still young and there's a chance you could mold him into a better defensive player, but I'd disagree because those "efforts" of his can be lackluster and he doesn't always look engaged defensively, he's too inactive to really make an idea if he does have any upside, and in the little instances he does play defense, it's hard to see him develop into a better defensive player because he shows little glimpses of doing so. Again, you could make the argument, but it's a little reachy, and from the film I watched, I don't believe he'll make a crazy jump of improvement.

  • He's not a good passer but he's not awful. He's not attempting to play make most of the time, he shows he can do the bare minimum with his basic passes, but that's really it. He's rarely passing either (as seen through his 0.7 assists), there were a couple of games of his where he threw 2-1 passes, and a couple of games where he didn't pass at all. It's not uncommon for him to throw turnovers or poor looks, but he doesn't do so often enough for it to be a huge issue. Dadiet can have an ok pass every once in a while, but those fine looks don't really lead to anything and aren't really too impressive anyways. Again, not awful, but his lack of passing and him not showing much to work with doesn't give me hope he has potential, and his negative assist/turnover ratio of 0.87 does not help his case.

  • Not a good rebounder. Dadiet rarely gets boards, there were a couple of games of his where he didn't get a single rebound at all... he only averaged 2.6 rebounds per game this season. He's not making efforts to get possession of the ball which explains why he's not averaging many boards, the most effort I've seen him show was boxing out once, tipping the ball up in the air like 5 times and ending up unsuccessful in getting a rebound over his opponent, and him basically walking to a loose ball which almost went out of bounds. If he gets a rebound, it's most likely because it fell to him, not because he fought for it... he might go through some minimal contact when he's in the process of trying to get the ball or he's already ended up with it, but nothing impressive though and it's not frequently that that happens. Seemed like he got more offensive boards than defensive boards on film, but he only averaged 0.8 offensive and 1.8 defensive boards, so that's not the case (by the way, those are not good numbers). You could maybe make the argument he has potential here due to his length, but him rarely getting rebounds and not making much of an effort to do so doesn't make me think he has upside.


    Easily my lengthiest review of a player yet, and it took me so long because I didn't know I would end up writing so much, so I would put this off constantly trying to avoid finishing it. Dadiet isn't bad I guess; he's just a big potential pick and I don't see why he's ranked so highly in so many boards... I've seen people have him in their top 5, which I think is crazy. He does show promise in a lot of things, but his low volume and lack of productivity puts me off a lot, as well as his lack of effort in the aspects he does show upside in. I can see him getting drafted due to what he could be, but I don't think he should be a first rounder.

Analysis done by @esteven. View their full  draft big board and scouting reports here.



Good defender who can be great if he fills out and becomes better off the ball. Great frame with all the indicators of being a great shooter. Pretty explosive but doesn’t utilize it well as he needs to increase his volume at the rim and become a more versatile scorer.

Analysis done by @LeakyBlack. View their full  draft big board and scouting reports here.
Jack Anderson



Big wing with real shot creation upside. He's also a great cutter and ball mover without real facilitating. Solid defender with lapses but has a lot of upside there. Good athlete. Very young at 18. Imo a rare upside swing who can already contribute.

Shades of Tobias Harris, Dean Wade, Harrison Barnes

Analysis done by @jda7749. View their full  draft big board and scouting reports here.
Roller Chest



GSW position: SG/SF

Highs: can shoot anywhere, is raw but plays the right way, good nba body already, not a bad defender, good on closing out shooters for his age, good off ball player, fits our system, does really well in knowing when to jump a passing lane to get a steal, a really good player in transition or off a steal, a good cutter weapon as well with his length, likes to pass when he is close to the paint for his teammate to get a layup, goes in close to the paint to pass out to teammate to pick and pop, handles are pretty good for his size and age, he is an active defender (will let opponent glide just for him to stay at your hip and position himself with his length), can play well defending around the rim

Lows: have a lot of defensive upside just not there yet(has to get stronger, NBA players will pick on him going down hill), raw, has to be more aggressive for rebounds if there right there for him his passing at times can be not time the best which creates turnovers, handles can be better at times as well, has to be better at moving his feet outside of the rim

Analysis done by @PoPOut1. View their full  draft big board and scouting reports here.
Brett Bischel



PER:14.3 ↓
18.9 y/o ↑
Born - Aubagne, Bouches-du-Rhône, France
Basketball Bundesliga (BBL) German League

Analysis done by @brettbischel. View their full  draft big board and scouting reports here.
Alison Ricardo Becker



Bemfica select

Pra quem ficou 1 temporada toda segurando Jett Howard, segurar Dadiet não será problema.

Comparação: Okoro, Coulibaly

Analysis done by @alison_timy. View their full  draft big board and scouting reports here.
John Pikiell



Stud combo guard really great catch and shoot guy and great at shooting off the bounce inside. Decent playmaker and so young. Great length and has the potential to be a good NBA player. Slighttt Shades of Dejounte Murray. The Bilal Coulibaly of this draft (sleeper overseas guy that creeps up)

Analysis done by @jpikiell7. View their full  draft big board and scouting reports here.
Dave Tippit



Tier 2 - Ceiling:

Fringe All-Star, Glue Guy on both ends, 3rd best player on contending team that shares the ball

He’s got good form, a bit of a dip but a good-looking release overall. He was 40 percent on guarded spot-up attempts and 50 percent unguarded, decent splits overall. He gets a lot of his looks from the wing and seems most comfortable there. For a young player, he has great timing on his lifts from the corner to the wing for catch-and-shoot opportunities. It’s an impressive skill for his age.

Dadiet can attack closeouts too, again, especially from the wing. A lot of his offense comes from the wings generally. He’s very direct as a driver so far and doesn’t really change direction or finish as aggressively as you’d like him to but he has shown he can finish with both hands, make the occasional good pass when drive help comes, and even has a floater and midrange game he’s developing.

The one area where Dadiet regularly uses his physical attributes to the best of their ability is in transition. He runs the floor well with the ball, and without it, and has better court vision in this environment too. He regularly looks to push the ball ahead and fill in at speed as a trailer.

On defense, Dadiet has less guarantees. There are flashes of stellar on-ball defense and moments where he positions himself perfectly to help and make a play. But it’s mostly flashes, and not consistent with there being plenty of rough moments on this side of the ball. This is completely understandable for a prospect who will be 18 on draft night, but worth highlighting given the comparisons to Risacher some have floated — who has been consistently elite on the defensive end pretty much all season.

Dadiet does guard his position well. His on-ball defense versus other wings is incredibly reliable. He confidently matched up with Vladimir Lucic and Isaac Bonga in their games against Bayern Munich this season, two high-level wings overseas. You’d like him to be more physical, but he moves his feet well for his size allowing him to comfortably stay in front of his man and contest without fouling on drives, something he’s developed a knack for.

His handle, for example, is not bad. It’s tight and mostly under control, he’s not prone to getting stripped and seems to have enough dexterity with both his hands but did seem uncomfortable bringing the ball up against pressure from Andreas Obst who is more known for what he does on the offensive end than the defensive end.

But Dadiet isn’t someone you’re drafting with the hopes of him becoming a point forward, so ideally he’s not ever bringing the ball up against full-court pressure anywhere close to regularly. In the halfcourt, Dadiet’s handle is better but still not a reliable size-up tool that he can use to generate his own offense or advantages generally. He’s added a bit of a stepback to his bag but it’s not something he can utilize efficiently yet. His crossovers generally lack burst — they don’t shift his defender or create room for him to get separation and attack. Generally, his handle is safe, not sexy.

That outcome is not far-fetched, and would likely put him in a spot where he could be the fifth or sixth-best player on a potential contending team, maybe even fourth. A good best possible outcome comparison for him is probably OG Anunoby. But to expect that would be unreasonable. Dadiet seems destined to become a reliable NBA role player on the wing who will have his highs and lows throughout his career — something like Reggie Bullock or Jae Crowder.

More research Pacome Dadiet is one of the biggest "High Risk, High Reward" prospects in the entire 2024 draft class. There are certainly some concerns with his efficiency, rawness and experience, but he has displayed ample potential as a three-level scorer with defensive flashes.

Off The Dribble Scoring:

Dadiet's most promising ability is his mid-range pull ups/off the dribble scoring. Dadiet has a solid enough handle to put the ball on the floor, and can create space using faders and his body to absord contact. Not afraid to pull up from 3 either.

3pt Shooting Off The Catch:

Dadiet has all the tools to be a talented shooter off the catch. He exhibits a fluid and consistent release with a good arch and follow-through. Although he isn't efficient, he shot 72% (18-25) from the line, indicating potential improvement from 3.

Half Court Cutting:

Dadiet's Savvy cutting helps capitalize his role, as he may very well be a wing who is used primarily in the corner. Dadiet is a smart and willing cutter who can finish through contact, and has a solid vertical leap to help him finish plays here.

Dadiet shot 68.6% at the rim last season. He is a crafty finisher with good body control who can occasionally finish through contact. He likes to use Eurosteps and crossovers at times to get to the rim. He has a sufficient first step even when his feet aren't set.

Defensive upside:

This is Dadiet's most important ability to work on, but he has shown flashes here. Although Dadiet may be a slow backpedaler and lateral mover, he has active hands and is disruptive in passing lanes. Dadiet also displays help-side rim protection.

Overall, Pacome Dadiet is a raw but young (18.9 years old) and highly intriguing prospect. He displays flashes of being a three-level wing scorer with a smart IQ off the ball, the ability to put the ball on the floor, active hands in passing lanes, and overall defensive upside.

More analysis Pacome's shooting improved throughout the year as his minutes and role became consistent, and he proved he's ready to be an off-ball floor spacer.

He shot 38.6% on Catch & Shoot 3FGs this season.

In his final 8 games, he shot an ELITE 52.2% from 3FG on 12/23 attempts.



Draft Day Age




Avg ranking (top 6 NBA draft sites) 52.2

My Jan Ranking 8

Best Case - Shades of/

Jeremy Sochan

Aaron Gordan

Detlef Schrempf

analysis Dadiet cemented his spot in Ulm’s rotation by becoming a reliable off-ball threat, who could play off Juan Nunez pick-and-rolls, who can knock down spot-up 3s, attack closeouts, and even showcase some well-timed cuts. He shot 36 percent from deep this season on 137 attempts across all competitions but shot 44 percent on 52 no-dribble spot-up attempts per Synergy Sports


13.9 MPG

5.7 PPG

61.0 TS% on 4.1 FGA

34.8 3PT% on 2.1 FGA

73.0 FT% on 1.2 FTA

8.9 TRB%

4.5 AST%

2.1 STL%

0.8 BLK%

14.3 TO%

18.1 USG%

111.8 ORTG

113.8 DRTG

Analysis done by @davetippit. View their full  draft big board and scouting reports here.
Ian Monje




  • Has a beautiful shot that has good arc and touch that translated a little bit; 38% on catch and shoot 3s and showed enough upside getting to his spots that gives me confidence he can improve his efficiency

  • Has good footwork to get into comfortable looking step backs and side steps, can really get his shot up off of the dribble

  • A real good offensive rebounder for his position; had 43 offensive rebounds in 59 games and does a good job of following his shot

  • Has a good, strong frame that allows him to play either the two or the three, can be a good positional defender if he puts it together

  • Legit burst and acceleration to turn the corner on defenders


  • Not an ounce of playmaking in his bones; he is an alpa shooter and scorer, and while he shown some growth in keeping the ball moving, he needs to add a ton of polish to his playmaking game and find his teammates who were open a lot of the time

  • Shooting efficiency needs some cleaning up

  • Very little film to watch; him playing around 15 minutes per game is no a good enough gauge for what he can be in the league. Even if I really like his potential and upside, I can't fully be in on him and have to take his production with a grain of salt because of his minutes

  • Has a difficult time recovering to his defender when he helps; has a tendency of being out of position when he is off of the ball, will need a lot of polishing on that end

Best role upon entering the NBA: Draft and stash/G-League development player with an emphasis on improving efficiency and defensive positioning. Could provide immediate value as a catch and shoot guy

Player Comparison: Shades of Khris Middleton and Wilson Chandler

Analysis done by @iblakem10. View their full  draft big board and scouting reports here.



projected draft range:

Projected NBA rookie role:

Projected NBA position:

Projected Rookie Statline:



Shades of/comp:

Best outcome:

mid outcome:

worst outcome:

Analysis done by @ozway. View their full  draft big board and scouting reports here.