Mavs push all their chips in for a long term core. Could add pick swaps too.
Luka Kyrie Grant Siakam Lively
Exum Temple Lawson DJJ WCJ
DFS instead of Grant would be more realistic lol
+ 0 Wins
-1.46 MPG
+1.39 Off.
-3.86 Def.
-2 Wins
+16.85 MPG
-1.90 Off.
+2.18 Def.
-3 Wins
+51.32 MPG
-5.04 Off.
-0.58 Def.
+5 Wins
-66.72 MPG
+5.55 Off.
+2.26 Def.
Mavs push all their chips in for a long term core. Could add pick swaps too.
Luka Kyrie Grant Siakam Lively
Exum Temple Lawson DJJ WCJ
DFS instead of Grant would be more realistic lol