🗓️ NFL Daily Grid // 🗓️ NBA Daily Grid
🏈 NFL Grid Builder Tool // 🏀 NBA Grid Builder Tool
I am excited to finally release these new tools that I have been working on for a while now!
We now have an NFL and NBA Grid Builder tool that will give you the ability to create multi-sized grids that are interactive in different ways and also show you stats and leaderboard information for people who play your grid. Each grid you create is easily shareable and will get a custom thumbnail generated for it when you share the link anywhere. Every grid will also get a Grid Number that is based on how many grids have been made and you'll see that number listed when you view the stats or leaderboard for a grid.
You can also view all the grids that have been made by going to the NFL Grids or NBA Grids pages. Here you can browse different grids and filter them down to the type you may want to play or see as well as filter by players and teams, similar to our Trade Proposals page.
*Now let's go o…